Day 1
22nd November 2023, Wednesday
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Venue: Mercure Hotel Compans Cafarelli
6.00 pm to 8.00 pm
Welcome Speech
Welcome Cocktail
From 8.00 pm
Toulouse by Night, by registration

Day 2
23rd November 2023, Thursday
Venue: Mercure Hotel Compans Cafarelli
8.00 am - 9:00 am
Welcome Coffee
9.00 am - 9:30 am
Opening Ceremony
Prof. Dr. Emmanuelle Garnier & Prof. Dr. Pradeep Nair
9.30 am - 10:30 am
University of Queensland
Coffee Break
11.00 am - 12:30 pm
Panel session Hospitality:
Digitalization and its impact on the hospitality industry
Concurrent Sessions
Concurrent Sessions 1 – Tourism
Venue: Room "We Move"
Dr. Nagathisen Katahenggam, Prof. Dr. Vincent Simoulin
Dr. Fatima Zahra Fakir (30m
Harmonizing sustainable development with the metaverse in cultural destinations: Case of Padova Destination (Italy) (30 mins)
Dr. Muhammad Ishtiaq Ishaq, Dr. Ali Raza
Social Entrepreneurship Orientation for Sustainable Development in Pakistani Hospitality Industry (30 mins)
Ms. Dorsa Dezfoulian, Mr. Nima M. Langroudi, Dr. Alireza Nemati
Maghāmi Musical Event, an opportunity for Regenerative Tourism in Iran (30 mins)
Concurrent Sessions 2 – Tourism
Venue: Room "We Work"
Dr. Jeetesh Kumar
Dr. Anh Thu Le, Ms. Thi Phi Anh Tran
Does a kitsch culture exist in the Vietnamese perception? (30 mins)
Ms. Wang Qiong, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Bin Shuib
Intangible Cultural Heritage Spatial Differentiation and Influencing Factors in the Chengdu—Chongqing Economic Circle (30 mins)
Dr. Puvaneswaran Kunasekaran, Prof. Dr. Sarjit S. Gill
Sustainable Indigenous Tourism in Malaysia: A Qualitative Longitudinal Research (30 mins)
Concurrent Sessions 3 – Food
Venue: Room "We Novation"
Dr. Yang Fong-Ming, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anne Dupuy
Dr. Wendell Galapate, M. Joemar Inducil
Chef, how does your garden grow? From seed to plate: implementing a hydroponic garden system in a culinary kitchen laboratory for sustainable plant-based ingredient harvesting (30 mins)
Mr. Roy Allan Noble
Self-ordering kiosk system in selected foodchain restaurants: towards customer satisfaction (30 mins)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jacinthe Bessière
Balinese food heritage: new resources for a more "sustainable" tourism development? (30 mins)
Concurrent Sessions 4 – Food
Venue: Room "We Boost"
Ms. Siti Ramadhaniatun Binti Ismail, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cyrille Laporte
Prof. Dr. Kathleen Apilado
From Ocean to Table: Safeguarding the Artisan Sea Salt, “Asin sa Buy-O” for Sustainable Development and Culinary Heritage Preservation (30 mins)
Dr. Wendell Galapate, M. Joemar Inducil
Towards the improvement of food flavor analysis through the artificial intelligence integration (30 mins)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Frédéric Zancanaro
Vegetalizing the food offer in Michelin-starred French gastronomy (30 mins)
12.30 pm - 2.00 pm
2.00 pm - 3.00 pm
Keynote Speaker
University Toulouse - Jean Jaurès
Coffee Break
3.30 pm - 6.00 pm
Panel session Tourism:
Sustainable Tourism in European and Asian contexts
(90 mins)
Concurrent Sessions
Concurrent Sessions 1 – Hospitality
Venue: Room "We Move"
Dr. Ellie Chee Shi Yin, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Paul Pichon
Ms. Marichu Linawag, Dr. Anna Pamela Jonson,
Post Analysis on the Factors Affecting Academic Performance of Tourism and Hospitality Students during Covid-19 Pandemic: Basis of HEI’s Enhanced Learning Continuity Plan (30 mins)
Dr. Gabriella Fardhiyanti
Open skies policy in promoting Asean Integration (30 mins)
Jan Lichota
Sustainability competencies education instruments for use in food tourism and hospitality (30 mins)
Concurrent Sessions 2 – Hospitality
Venue: Room "We Work"
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Joaquim Dias Soeiro, Prof. Dr. Jens Thoemmes
Dr. Joy Sheelah Era
Examining the Participation in Sustainability Assessments among Higher Education Institutions in the Philippines (30 mins)
Dr. Rupam Konar, Dr. Jingxi Liu
Academic Anxiety and Learning Engagement Among Hospitality Students: the Mediating Effect of Academic Buoyancy (30 mins)
Ms. Grace Kamanga
Eco-cultural tourism as an opportunity to empower rural women in sub-Saharan Africa: A case of protected areas in Malawi (30 mins)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Salim, Dr. Emmanuel Fragnière, M. Ephraim Gerber, Ms. Jeanne Fournier
Vulnerability and adaptation strategies of summer ski in Zermatt & Saas-Fee, Switzerland (30 mins)
Concurrent Sessions 3 – Food
Venue: Room "We Novation"
Dr. Yan Su Ly, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Amandine Rochedy
Dr. Fong-Ming Yang, Dr. Hsu Yu Yin
Cross-food Alliance: New Asian Taste between Hybridity and Conflict (30 mins)
Ms. Françoise Sourdais
Contribution to the study of the thematization and institutionalization of taste education - through the scientific biography of Jacques Puisais (30 mins)
Prof. Dr. Vincent Simoulin
Food Change: a smooth and deliberate change with radical and unexpected consequences (30 mins)
Ms. Gabas/M. Guionnet, M. Thiron, Dr. Endaltseva
Using video to study food practices and eating behaviours: Insights from three case studies (30 mins)
Dr. Joann Lim Phaik Sim
Consumer Generated Images (CGIs) of Food shared on Social Media For Business Enhancement of Food and Beverage Outlets in Malaysia (30 mins)
Concurrent Sessions 4 – Food
Venue: Room "We Boost"
Dr. Salini Devi Rajendran, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Frédéric Zancanaro
M. David Rodriguez
Exploring the Adoption of Robotic Systems in the Hospitality Industry: A Qualitative Study in the Context of France and Occitanie (30 mins)
Solène Leprince
Who are the intermediaries of local and sustainable food transitions? (30 mins)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anne-Claire Paillissé, Prof. Iñaki M. Albeñiz
Languages of Sustainability in Fine Dining: Case Study on Spanish Haute Cuisine restaurants (30 mins)
Dr. Salini Devi Rajendran, Ms. Nur Khairunnisak Athira Binti Ab Razak,
Ms. Wong Fang Lian
Averrhoa bilimbi Ice-Cream: Product Development, Sensorial Analysis, and Marketing Evaluation (30 mins)
Ms. Jan Li Yuen
Ethnicity, Identity and Alleviation of Perceived Food Risk in Modernised Malaysia
(30 mins)

Day 3
24th November 2023, Friday
Venue: Mercure Hotel Compans Cafarelli
8.00 am - 9:00 am
Welcome Coffee
9.00 am - 10:30 am
Panel session Food:
The challenges of food education
Concurrent Sessions
Concurrent Sessions 1 – Tourism
Venue: Room "We Work"
Prof. Dr. S. Mostafa Rasoolimanesh, Assoc. Prof. Anne-Claire Paillissé
Ms. Aghnia Putri, Dr. Madura Thivanka Patirana
Enriching Tourist Experiences with Authentic Culinary Journeys. The Sri Lankan Delights Initiative (30 mins)
Dr. Richard S. Aquino, Prof. Dr. Michael Lück
Transformative Social Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Tourism (30 mins)
Concurrent Sessions 2 – Tourism
Venue: Room "We Boost"
Dr. Rupam Konar, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Denis Bories
Dr. Evelyn Velasco
Green cruising practices and management reputation towards sustainable cruise services (30 mins)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jacinthe Bessier and Dr. Alexis Annès
Imaginaries and practices : characterizing tourists involved in agritourism in the French context (30 mins)
Dr. Michael Chambwe
Barriers to Rural Community Ownership of the Tourism Value Chain: A South African Context (30 mins)
Concurrent Sessions 3 – Tourism
Venue: Room "We Move"
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kandappan Balasubramanian, Ms. Aurélie Sanchez
Ms. Kim Loan Tran and Ms. Luu Ly Tran
Building a Sustainable Tourism Brand Through the Application of Buddhist Ideology: Case Studies in Son Tay Town (30 mins)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Salim
Reflexive tourism, rethinking the tourist experience for transformative changes (30 mins)
Concurrent Sessions 4 – Hospitality
Venue: Room "We Share"
Dr. Joann Lim Phaik Sim, Laurent Barthe
Dr. Nagathisen Katahenggam
The Dominating Big State? The Reality of Public Participation in Touristification in Heritage Cities: A Case Study of Melaka World Heritage Site (30 mins)
Ass. Prof. Dr. Harold Bueno Bernardoa, Dr. Anna Pamela Jonson,
Ms. Carolina Roces
Content Analysis of Micro-credential Related Literature and Documents for Tourism and Hospitality Education: A Proposed Credit Guidelines (30 mins)
Coffee Break
11.00 am - 12:00 pm
Keynote -
University of Barcelona
12.00 pm - 1.00 pm
Closing Ceremony & Lunch
Gala Dinner
8.00 pm - 11.00 pm
Les Caves de la Maréchale https://www.lescavesdelamarechale.com