Keynote Speakers

Sara Dolnicar is a Professor of Tourism at The University of Queensland (Australia). An expert in empirical measurement in the social sciences, she currently develops and experimentally tests measures that trigger pro-environmental behaviour in tourists. Professor Dolnicar is an elected Fellow of the Academy for the Social Sciences in Australia, the International Academy for the Study of Tourism, and the Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE). She has been awarded a prestigious Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowship, the Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) Distinguished Researcher Award, and named the Slovenian Ambassador of Science, the highest honour the Republic of Slovenia bestows on expatriate Slovenian researchers in recognition of global excellence, impact, and knowledge transfer. Professor Dolnicar is currently the Co-Editor in Chief of Annals of Tourism Research, one of the leading international scientific journals in the field of tourism.
Professor Dr. Sara Dolnicar

Jesús Contreras Hernández is an Emeritus Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Barcelona (UB). He has been a hired researcher (C.N.R.S., 1986), a Visiting Professor at Cambridge University (1992-93), and a Chair of Excellence (C.N.R.S.-Région Centre, 2007-2008). He has also served as a Visiting Professor at Paul Valéry University (Montpellier, 2010), FLACSO (Quito-Ecuador, 2013), and Universidad Iberoamericana (Mexico, 2016). His most recent research focuses on the links between the evolution of life forms and changes in food. He is the author of, among other works, "Historia y antropología de la alimentación" (2018), "Paradojas alimentarias de la globalización" (2018), "Comer na rua" (2018), "La alimentación contemporánea entre la globalización y la patrimonialización" (2019), "Que los árboles no nos impidan ver el bosque: Alimentación, salud y sostenibilidad" (2020), "¿Y los nutrientes, también son buenos para pensar?" (2020), "Cien hijos canónigos: Ensayos de antropología económica" (2021), "Usos y abusos del concepto de patrimonio alimentario: Reflexiones en torno a las estrategias de patrimonialización alimentaria" (2021), "¿Seguiremos siendo lo que comemos?" (2022), and "From the food myths of the past to the food myths of the present" (in press).
Emeritus Professor Dr. Jesús Contreras Hernández

Vincent Vlès is a Professor of Tourism Planning at the University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès (ISTHIA), CERTOP UMR-CNRS, France. A specialist in resort tourism and the transition of tourism industries, his research focuses on tourism development and urban planning, its impacts and the articulation between development policies and nature protection. They evaluate the impact of tourism on natural, social, and economic environments, study the dynamics and management of visitor flows in protected areas and tourist resorts (Aquitaine coast, Languedoc coast, and mountain resorts), the various tools and means of regulating overtourism in exceptional natural areas (national and regional parks, major French sites, classified sites, nature reserves) and analyze the limits and carrying capacities of the environments.