Conference Committee
Conference Co-Chairs

Prof. Dr. Neethiahnanthan Ari Ragavan
Taylor’s University, Malaysia

Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Poulain
Taylor’s-Toulouse University Centre, Malaysia & University Toulouse - Jean Jaurès, CAMS, Malaysia, CERTOP UMR-CNRS, France
Conference Deputy Co-Chairs

University Toulouse - Jean Jaurès, CERTOP UMR-CNRS, France

Prof. Dr. S. Mostafa Rasoolimanesh
Taylor's University, Malaysia
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cyrille Laporte
Organization Committee

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Paul Pichon
University Toulouse - Jean Jaurès, CERTOP UMR-CNRS, France

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Joaquim Dias Soeiro
Taylor's University, Malaysia
Advisory Board
Coming soon..
Conference Co-Chairs
Prof. Dr. Neethiahnanthan Ari Ragavan, Taylor’s University, Malaysia
Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Poulain, Taylor’s-Toulouse University Centre, Malaysia & University Toulouse - Jean Jaurès, CAMS, France
Conference Deputy Co-Chairs
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cyrille Laporte, University Toulouse - Jean Jaurès, CERTOP UMR-CNRS, France
Prof. Dr. Seyyed Mostafa Rasoolimanesh, Taylor's University, Malaysia
Head of Organizing Committee
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Paul Pichon, University Toulouse - Jean Jaurès, CERTOP UMR-CNRS, France
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Joaquim Dias Soeiro, Taylor's University, Malaysia

Scientific Committee
Prof. Dr. Neethiahnanthan Ari Ragavan, Taylor’s University, Malaysia
Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Poulain, Taylor’s-Toulouse University Centre, Malaysia & University Toulouse - Jean Jaurès, CAMS, Malaysia, CERTOP UMR-CNRS, France
Members of Scientific Committee
Prof. Dr. Ahmad bin Shuib, Taylor's University, Malaysia
Prof. Dr. C. Michael Hall, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Prof. Dr. Christina Stange-Fayos, UT2J-CREG, France
Prof. Dr. Fevzi Okumus, University of Central Florida, USA
Prof. Dr. François Vellas, UT1-CERTOP UMR-CNRS, France
Prof. Dr. Freya Higgens-Desbiolles, University of South Australia, Australia
Prof. Dr. Haywantee Rumi Ramkissoon, University of South Australia, Australia
Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Poulain, UT2J-ISTHIA, CERTOP UMR-CNRS, France
Prof. Dr. Jens Thoemmes, CERTOP UMR-CNRS, France
Prof. Dr. Laurence Tibère, IRD, Réunion-Mayotte et Océan Indien, MOISA UMR, France
Prof. Dr. Laurent Bertrandias, Toulouse Business School, France
Prof. Dr. Marianna Sigala, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Prof. Dr. Prisca Kergoat, UT2J-CERTOP UMR-CNRS, France
Prof. Dr. S. Mostafa Rasoolimanesh, Taylor's University, Malaysia
Prof. Dr. Tom Baum, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
Prof. Dr. Vincent Simoulin, UT2J-CERTOP, UMR-CNRS, France
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Amandine Rochedy, UT2J-ISTHIA, CERTOP UMR-CNRS, France
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anne Dupuy, UT2J-ISTHIA, CERTOP UMR-CNRS, France
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Christophe Serra-Mallol UT2J-ISTHIA, CERTOP UMR-CNRS, France
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cyrille Laporte, UT2J-ISTHIA, CERTOP UMR-CNRS, France
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Denis Bories, UT2J-ISTHIA, CERTOP UMR-CNRS, France
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Driss Boummegoutti, UT2J-ISTHIA, CERTOP UMR-CNRS, France
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elise Mognard, Taylor's University, CAMS, Malaysia
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Frédéric Zancanaro, UT2J-ISTHIA, CERTOP UMR-CNRS, France
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jacinthe Bessière, UT2J-ISTHIA, CERTOP UMR-CNRS, France
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Joaquim Dias Soeiro, Taylor's University, Malaysia
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kandappan Balasubramanian, Taylor's University, Malaysia
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Paul Pichon, UT2J-ISTHIA, CERTOP UMR-CNRS, France
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rahmat Hashim, Taylor's University, Malaysia
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sébastien Rayssac UT2J-ISTHIA, LISST UMR-CNRS, France
Assis. Prof. Dr. Siamak Seyfi, Geography Research Unit, University of Oulu, Finland
Dr. Anshul Garg, Taylor's University, Malaysia
Dr. Chia Kei Wei, Taylor's University, Malaysia
Dr. Erose Sthapit, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
Dr. Jacqui Kong Huiyi, Taylor's University, Malaysia
Dr. Jeetesh Kumar, Taylor's University, Malaysia
Dr. Lisa Tung Pei Pei, Taylor's University, Malaysia
Dr. Raymond Rastegar, The University of Queensland, Australia
Dr. Rupam Konar, Taylor's University, Malaysia
Dr. Salini Devi Rajendran, Taylor's University, Malaysia
Dr. Stephanie Chuah Hui Wen, Taylor's University, Malaysia
Dr. Thanam Subramaniam, Taylor's University, Malaysia
Dr. Yang Fong-Ming, Taylor's University, Malaysia

Head of Organizing Committee
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Paul Pichon, University Toulouse - Jean Jaurès, France
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Joaquim Dias Soeiro, Taylor's University, Malaysia
Secretary of Conference
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anne-Claire Yemsi Paillissé, UT2J-ISTHIA, CERTOP UMR-CNRS, France
Members of Organizing Committee
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elise Mognard, Taylor's University, Malaysia
Dr. Ellie Chee Shi Yin, Taylor's University, Malaysia
Dr. Jeetesh Kumar, Taylor's University, Malaysia
Dr. Yang Fong-Ming, Taylor's University, Malaysia